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The countdown is running

Blickfang vor der Skyline von Auckland (Neuseeland): Das Forschungsschiff SONNE
Eye-catcher in front of the skyline of Auckland (New Zealand): The research vessel Sonne.

It is almost time – tomorrow we go on board. On May 1st, our research expedition across the Pacific will begin: 34 days from New Zealand to Alaska.

The anticipation is growing – little by little, groups of scientists arrive in Auckland (New Zealand) from where we are starting on Sunday. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a table at a restaurant that can accommodate all of us.

The Sonne is already in the harbor, unmistakable with her bright red winches and cranes, and the ICBM logo on the ship’s stack. In the evening, she is brightly lit by spotlights. The harbor itself is fenced in, most of us can only take photos from a distance.

A group of three went on board yesterday with our chief scientist (Prof. Meinhard Simon). They spoke with the captain about the loading of our containers, including the airfreight and the frozen supplies.